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LCM staff got a treat from the PTA as a form of appreciation for their great service they've been offering the school.  This included a special Luncheon, token award and a memorable sight seeing tour around the City.

Below sample some memorable moments of the treat.


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The A.G.M. was held on 9th February 2019 at the school upper hall where important matters were discussed and passed by the Parents,Teachers and the PTA on how the school should run in the next academic year. The vacant position of the Assistant Secretary was also filled as well as the introduction of the new Class Representative to the board.

Our Guest speaker Dr. Maina also took parents through the new  Competency Based Curriculum.

Our Guest speaker Dr. Maina also took parents through the new  Competency Based Curriculum.

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Thanks giving Mass -  Bidding prayers

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Photo Moments with Chief Guest and PTA

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Photo Moments with Chief Guest and PTA

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Closing Prayer by Pastor Dennis

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Sermon by Fr Henry Ndune Catholic Archdiocese of Mombasa Education Secretary 


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