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The Loreto family converged at Holy Ghost Cathedral to animate the 9am mass  that was presided over by the Vicar General Rev. Fr. Armogast Mdawida.

The well attended colourful mass was characterised by beautifully choreographed liturgical dances by the  Loreto pupils, with the melodious choir led by their music teacher Mr. Kenyatta that kept the fully packed cathedral lit.


In his sermon of the day, the Vicar General  urged the congregants to dedicate themselves fully to the service of the Lord adding that some faithfuls have alternate, personal and even selfish reasons on why they purport to participate in church activities, Jumuiyas and even associations and in the process missing the whole point of honestly being dedicated to serving God in whatever capacity. 

He lauded the Loreto family, which always has school mass every Friday, for their role in moulding the young minds spiritually & academically and their active participation in parish activities.

Below sample some of the moments...



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