The LCM Annual General Meeting was held at the school's upper hall on 10th February 2017 during which Mr. George Nabwera was elected to take over from Mr David Arika as PTA Chairman.
Mrs. Oyosi Hilda Asirigwa was also elected Deputy Chairperson to take over from Mr. David Lang'at and for the first time in many years gifting Loreto with woman in a high position of leadership at the PTA level.
The well attended event that kicked off by 9 a.m. also witnessed the presentation of various reports from both the Treasury and School administration. Most importantly was the new ambitious budget which was unanimously endorsed by members which if well implemented will see a raft of various projects get underway which will surely raise Loreto Convent Mombasa to new heights in terms of facilities and general preparedness in attainment of set performance targets.
We pray that God may see us through all these for His grater Glory and honour.
The PTA also presented awards to acknowledge the great work done at the school by all the teaching staff, administration staff and support staff.
Below, follow both the proceedings as they were at the A.G.M. as well as the faces that graced the A.G.M. attended by both Parents, Teachers, Current PTA officials, Loreto Education Secretary Sr. Sophie Barat, IBVM and Rev. Fr. Henry Ndune - Education Secretary, Catholic Archdiocese of Mombasa as the guest Speaker whose talk on Parenting informed and inspired many.