Ø    A seed was planted in a tree nursery.
Ø    It developed into a little seedling.
Ø    The seedling was bought and it landed on the grounds of Karura Forest where it was planted.
Ø    The seedling took several years and it grew into a big tree.
Ø    There is this man referred to as a Lumber who came to Karura Forest and cut down the tree.
Ø    The logs from the tree were transported in a huge track to Pan Paper Ltd.
Ø    From these logs of wood papers, furniture and pencils were made.
Ø    The pencils were then taken to a Stationery shop.
Ø    Just before schools opened, I went with my mother to shop for the new term's requirements.
Ø    When I got to the Corner Books and Stationers,  this red and white stripped pencil caught my eye.
Ø    And my mother, being who she is, bought for me this pencil among other things.
Ø    When I got home, I kept it in my pencil pouch.
Ø    On 8/1/14 – the pencil stepped into our school compound for the first time. Of course it was inside my pouch and this day was our opening day.
Ø    I used my pencil to write during my learning hours at school and at home for homework.
Ø    Whenever my pencil got blunt, there is this machine known as Sharpener. I used it to make my pencil sharp and write better.
Ø    My poor pencil grew shorter and shorter as I continued sharpening it.
Ø    One day, I decided that the pencil was too short that I had to let go of it.
Ø    Then I threw it in the dustbin in our class.
Ø    Then the cleaner, Mr. Msafi emptied the dustbin and my poor pencil was thrown into the rubbish pit. 
Ø    It was then burnt together with the other litter collected in the compound.
Ø    The pencil ended its life there. A life well – lived!!!


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