Since time immemorial the school has been able to organize education trips to enhance outside classroom learning.  This is in line with the saying,  A change is as good as a rest” Pupils are given an opportunity of bringing learning to real life and avoiding the monotony of classroom environment.

The parents and the School Management have teamed up to ensure that pupils undertake as many trips as possible by purchasing a fleet of four buses.  This makes it possible for two classes to proceed on trips at a go.

In the recent past pupils have been able to undertake visits to: 

  • Maasai Mara National Reserve
  • Lake Bogoria
  • Thomson Falls ( Nyahururu)
  • Parliament Buildings – Nairobi
  • Perkerra Irrigation scheme at Baringo
  • Lake Naivasha
  • Diatomite mining at Kariandusi
  • Pre-historic site at Kariandusi
  • Old slave market at Bagamoyo Tanzania
  • National Museum in Dar-es-salaam
  • The largest water  Park in East and Central Africa at Kunduchi in Dar-es-salaam
  • Kampala
  • Vasco da Gama Pillar at Malindi
  • Major National and Marine Parks in the country etc.

Trips and tours are not only tied to the pupils.  Teachers and support staff have been accorded team building activities in various recreational areas.  In the past years, teachers have been to:

  • Ngulia Lodge Aruba lodge at Tsavo East National Park
  • Sun N Sand Bean Hotel
  • Eden Roc at Malindi
  • Leopard Beach Hotel etc. 

Parents have not been left behind.  In the year 2005, parents, teachers and pupils went on a trip to Egypt where they managed to visit:

  • Pyramids in Gizah
  • Mt. Sinai.
  • Alexandria
  • St. Georgias in Cairo
  • Cairo International Museum
  • Ptolem Library  ( 1st library in the world)

This year alone teachers visited good performing schools in Western Province and Rift valley on a Bench – Marking.  A retreat for teachers was also held at Kaskazi Beach Hotel in Diani.  This has really motivated the Loreto workforce.

All this has been made possible by the co-operation and cordial relationship between the P.T.A. and the school Management.  May the Almighty God bless them abundantly.

It is my sincere hope that in the years to come we are not only going to have an educationally empowered Loreto family but also one that has knowledge of surrounding and the wide world yonder.

Hongera Loreto Convent Mombasa as you celebrates your Platinum Jubilee. 

By Mr. Beauttah Kimaru Omokeh | English Panel Head


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