People from all walks of life have heard about computers and majority are able to use them in performing different tasks including entertainment.

Human race has been changing from one generation to another.  Those who are children today will become parents in future. It is therefore our duty to equip these young ones with computer knowledge to enable them catch up with the computerization in the word. They will also be able to pass it on to their children in future.  It is a relay of computerization.

Loreto Mombasa being an educational institution that imparts knowledge on young minds, computer knowledge is part of our business.  The school computer department started as part time lessons that were carried out off the school time table. The management then saw the need to make it inclusive for all. The lesson was included in the school time table and a qualified teacher employed to handle the lessons. It has been of benefit to all children from class one to eight.

The lessons equip the children with general knowledge on PCs, different parts and their functions, to understand a standard keyboard, use a mouse by applying various mouse techniques, and to perform relevant tasks in different application software.

The computer lab is fairly equipped. From time to time upgrading, repairs and maintenance are carried out by our competent computer technician, Mr. Vincent Onyango.

Glory to God!!!!!

Otieno Lillian - Computer Dept.


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