SCHOOL ACADEMIC REPORT - 2011 | Read report for yr 2010

"Old is Gold"

Mr. LuleAs we usher in our third edition of these 75 years platinum celebration in our fourth edition of the school magazine; I am spoilt for choice on what to put down on Academic development. 
Since 1936, the education system in this country has experienced tremendous dynamic changes both in quantity and quality.  As a country we inherited the British educational curriculum that paved way for the now 8.4.4 system of education; whose birth came as a result of the famous educational report by one Canadian by the name Mackay.

Mackay report on the educational system and governance in this country suggested the onset of a self-reliant education where graduants at any level (primary, secondary and tertiary ) would be equipped with skills for self employment.  

This was a move aimed at curbing or minimizing the rush for white-collar jobs which were scarce then.

The domestication of the Mackay report saw the introduction of practical subjects in the curriculum both in primary and secondary school level. Learners were then subjected to doing Art/Craft, Home Science and Music as practical subjects such subjects were also examined in the national exams.

 I may not be in a position to evaluate the success or failures of such an education system, but things have changed very much of late.

Currently pupils no longer do the tasking seven subjects; they have been reduced to five.  Surprisingly we no longer score the top marks of the yester years.  One wonders why standards should go down nationally especially now, when we are quite advanced in technology, the mother of knowledge.

Here in Loreto, we have really evolved academically over the last 75 years.  However it has been utterly impossible to dislodge from our core value.  It has been and will always be “educating for the greater glory of God” In equipping education that with a natural holistic education that will see them fit and face life’s challenges with zeal, enthusiasm and determination.

Over the years we have continued to produce learners who have counted among the elite of society.  As we mark 75 years, I can only say that this is another milestone in our academic achievements.  It is because of the good shadows of past that we are celebrating the achievements of today.  We are what we are today because of the good history of the past.

I want to believe like the Japanese that, we have fallen seven times but remembered to rise the eighth time. Our road to success has been dotted with many parking spaces; but we have dared not park in any until we reached our final destination.

One great writer, writing in Kiswahili, once said; for one to be born in this world, grow, age and die without any deed worth remembrance it is  better if he/she would not have come.  It is for that matter therefore that I feel greatly indebted to pay gratitude to the following:

  • Our foundress Mary Ward, for thinking a cause and following the course to see through the establishment of the Loreto Sisters all over the world.
  • The Loreto Sisters who have to make a choice of life and death to see through the cause that Mary Ward started.  
  • Our former parents, teachers and pupils who have over the years held our school in high esteem by being obligated to do duty wherever it called.
  • Our P.T.A team that has not only provided logistical solutions to the school, but has been instrumental in necessitating the environment for results par excellence.
  • Our current staff, parents and pupils for their relentless effort in following a just cause of taking this school to the next level.

Well, for all those legends, mavericks and icons I say kudos and may God bless you.

By  Gabriel Lule
Senior Teacher

Read report for year 2010


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